Course Instructor

Monika Diane
Course Curriculum
The tools you need to gain Control and see Results
Welcome to "Conquer Menopause Madness":Thriving into Mid Life and through Menopause
To Make the Most of this Course!
Menopause and You!
Menopause Symptoms
Estrogens - The good and the bad
Menopause Symptoms cause by Hormone Changes
Simple things you can do to today to Relieve Symptoms
Insulin and What Happens to our Body when we hit Menopause
Hormonal and Insulin Reasons Why we Gain Fat
Carbohydrates and What You Need to Know
Carbohydrate Intolerance another Issue
What is the Deal with our Fat Cells?
Fat Cells and the Impact of Low Estrogen
Chapter Quiz
Cortisol and Why it is Critical to Manage
What kinds of Foods Actually Help?
The Low Down on Food: what to Eat and what Not to eat
Foods that are Ideal for Hormone and Cortisol management
PDF of Food List
Fasting - Two Different Methods
Carbohydrates and Calories
Fasting, Calories and Carbohydrates
Fat and Carbohydrate Consumption ~ Best times and how
Detoxification and Menopause
Liver Detoxification
Juicing Recipe Booklet
Resistant Starch and Insoluble Fibre Pros and Cons
Resistant Starch and Insoluble Fibre - Good, Bad and Endotoxins
Randle Cycle
The Randle Cycle and Why you need to know about it
Soil Depletion and Supplementation
Do you really need to Supplement?
Chapter Quiz
Bloating and what to do about it!

About this course
- $68.99
- 65 lessons
- 2 hours of video content
- 4 Bonus Downloadable Ebooks PLUS a private Community for Support and Questions!!
- A Combination of Video and Written Content to address both learning styles, Quiz's, and Downloadable PDF's of Key Content to Assist You After the Course
- PROVEN Action Plan to Ensure You Have RESULTS Backed by SCIENCE and REAL LIFE APPLICATION
Bonus material
You will find 4 Valuable Ebooks included in your course, to further help you gain control over your body and health
Women's Hormone Health Ebook
$25 valueIncluded in your course is a 14 page printable PDF Ebook which explains some of the key points of the course as well as an in-depth look into what you can do to gain control over your body.
Gut Health Ebook
$30 value + $25 valueIncluded in your course is a 14 page printable PDF Ebook on Gut Health. Most Women suffer from Gut Issues, and trying to get a handle on what to eat that doesn't bother us can be exhaustive. This book will help you sort out the cause of your distress and how to find the solution to fixing it. PLUS a Juicing recipe book to help you with the liver detox portion.
Thriving into Mid Life
$30Included in your course is a 10 page printable PDF Ebook summarizing the contents of this course. You will be able to refer back to it as a quick resource.
Gain control over your Body and Hormones
Happy, Confident, Healthy and Flourishing is what YOU DESERVE! Enroll TODAY and gain the tools you need to have SUCCESS and be EMPOWERED!
I've tried many diets and nothing works, how do I know this will?
Something I hear often! Here's the thing, it's not that complicated! Most professionals get it wrong because they are focused on the wrong things. Our Insulin Resistance and Carbohydrate Intolerance plays a HUGE role, and I know how to work WITH it to get you your RESULTS!
I can't exercise, will this still work?
YES! In fact, studies have PROVEN that when you adopt the KEY principles that I teach about what, when and how to eat, exercise is just a bonus!
Everyone promises results but my body is stubborn! What makes your course different?
The comment I get the most from the clients is that it was EASIER than they realized. You see, once you UNDERSTAND WHY your body isn't releasing the hormone weight, WHY it accumulates it, and HOW to address both, you will have RESULTS!
I am depressed and hate how my body has changed, can anything be done?
I understand where you are. I was there too! And my answer is YES! Our body is complicated, but once we understand HOW it works and WHY it does things, we can assist it to change! Our skin and EMOTIONAL wellness are the same, and I address BOTH in this course so you are SUPPORTED as a whole and have the RESULTS you Desire.
Course and Blog Updates!
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Client Testimonials
Happy Coaching Clients who Achieved their Goals and are Thriving!
“I have been tuning into Monika’s social media and blog posts for over a year now, and I have to say, the amount of value and knowledge I have picked up since following her is outstanding! Her knowledge base and expertise for women in their midlife stage go far beyond any other coach I have experienced. And as I begin to enter this stage myself, I am so grateful to have that extra support through her!”

“Monika has helped me in so many areas of my life. I was overwhelmed with my body changing, my mind went down a rabbit hole, and I couldn’t see my way out or even where to begin. Her common sense approach to dealing with a negative mindset and midlife changes helped me to see through the fog and empower myself! I will always be grateful for her wisdom and support”

“It’s been a pleasure working with Monika! She is always striving to accept and become a better version of herself, regardless of her challenges, and in observing that, it has inspired me to have a new perspective and to accept fully who I am, my body, my worth, and step into my full power as I enter the second half of my life! Thank you Monika for leading the way!”

“Monika kept it real and told me the truth. She holds that proverbial mirror up to your face, inviting you to take a long and potentially uncomfortable look. She knows exactly how you feel because she has experienced so much of the same. Monika has helped me to begin noticing my real time limiting thoughts and behaviours, and provided a safe space for working through them. I have gained so much clarity with what is truly in my power and control in my life, and I am grateful for our work together!”